The OCOC is a volunteer organization and we must maintain structure, order, and accountability of member clubs. This will be achieved in the following manner.
An elected board will be put in place to oversee and govern the OCOC.
First Chair
Second Chair
Sargent of Arms
Web Master
MRO Liaison (Appointed by the MRO)
Elections shall be held every two (2) years for the offices of the OCOC.
Nominations for the offices of the OCOC shall be held in November and voting shall be in January. The new Term starts in March.
Representatives from each Club or Organization can hold no more than one office.
Each Club or Organization may appoint a representative to vote at the meetings.
The Club or Organization must be in good standing with the OCOC at the time of the voting (Donations paid and attendance requirements met).
Only one vote per Club or Organization will be allowed.
Meetings will be held on the first Sunday of every other month at 12:30 pm. Starting in January. The Meeting(s) that fall on a holiday or holiday weekend may be rescheduled.
A Representative(s) from each Club, Organization, and the AIM attorney should be in attendance.
Rotate Meeting locations in the State, with Board approval.
The acting Secretary shall notify membership of each upcoming meeting.
OCOC shall have an account for donations and appropriated monies. The account shall be the responsibility of the elected Treasurer. Monies shall be spent or appropriated by the Board of the OCOC for projects and operations of the Board of the OCOC with accountability to the full membership of the OCOC.
A fund-raiser, get together, and/or party to raise money for the OCOC Treasury should be held each year.
The OCOC shall send a minimum of ONE representative to both the NCOM and NCOC conventions with reasonable expenses paid by the OCOC. Approved by the Board of the OCOC.
A total of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) from each Club or Organization should be donated each year towards the operation of the OCOC. This donation is payable in January of each year.
In an effort to better organize OCOC, Member Clubs and Organizations will be divided into the following groups according to their focus:
Each group will have a Liaison who will report to the OCOC Board.
Each Liaison shall be elected from within their respective group. The election process will follow the same schedule and term as board elections.
The Liaison is to be the voice of their respective groups.
The Liaison is to communicate with their respective groups and gather any feedback, concerns, and issues that the group has. In doing so they will attempt to make any decisions that affect their group. If a resolution to any subject is not reached within their groups then they should bring the situation to the OCOC Board whereas the 1st Chair will deliberate and make the final decision. The 1st Chair decisions are final.
The Liaisons will have a meeting with the OCOC Board at 12pm on the day of the regularly scheduled OCOC Meeting to advise on anything that may have come up during individual group meetings.
The Liaison will also ensure that all respective member clubs and respective prospective clubs are following protocol.
Each Club or Organization shall be responsible for their Members and or their Members actions.
Each club should have at least 1 (one) member present at every meeting.
Any club who misses 2 (two) consecutive meetings or any 3 (three) meetings in a calendar year will be subject to removal from the OCOC membership.
Any club who is either removed from the membership or steps away from the membership and then decides to return to the OCOC will be required to start their membership process from the beginning as outlined further below.
Every prospective club must have at least 5 (five) members.
All prospective clubs should have all their members backgrounds checked and any issues addressed.
All prospective clubs must have approval from the “ADVISOR CLUBS” Each prospective club must provide their approval contact names to their respective Liaison.
All prospective clubs will be “PROSPECTIVE ” for no less than 12 (twelve) months. This gives the prospective club time to get to know the other clubs. In that 12 month period they should attend as many functions as possible.
After the required 12 month minimum, and when the Liaison feels the prospective club is ready to be voted in, they will bring the prospective club up for a vote in their groups. If approved within the group the Liaison will take the prospective club to the other Liaisons for their approval. Once approved by the other Liaisons they will go before the COC Board and the COC Body for final approval.
The blue Oklahoma COC patch should be worn in plain view on the cut of each member of each club in good standing with the OCOC.
Patches may be purchased from the OCOC Treasurer or his/her representative at any of the regularly scheduled meetings. Only the individual club president or treasurer may purchase patches. A maximum of 5 patches in bulk may be purchased per calendar year. Any more than 5 per year must be purchased by the club president or treasurer with the individual member(s) present as well.
All patches will be returned to either their club or OCOC upon leaving said club or OCOC. In the event a club leaves the OCOC for any reason all patches will be returned to the OCOC.
The OCOC patch is trademarked and must not be replicated in any form or fashion. Furthermore the OCOC patch remains the property of OCOC and may be revoked at any time from any individual or club.
Copyright © 2025 Oklahoma Confederation of Clubs - All Rights Reserved.